Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jock's Island

We finished our first read aloud this year, we actually read this in one afternoon. It is a story about a border collie living on a volcanic island, when the volcano becomes active the villagers leave , with out the animals. Jock does not know why the people are all gone, he eventually finds Lar's who lives on the far side of the island and who takes him in , they become great friends. And have some fun adventures together. It is a fun quick read. all the kids enjoyed it and it was a nice way to spend a rainy chilly afternoon. We curled up on the couch lit some candles had soft music in the background a pot roast in the crock pot, had a plate of just baked cookies and snuggled together. It was a wonderful time.

This is just the afternoon that makes me remember why we home school in the first place for times like these. To love a good book together, and not rush through it , to be content to be with each other, and enjoy our company. It was a wonderfully blessed afternoon that came when I was doubting my home school, its nice how god gently reminds us why we are doing this . And reminds us how precious his lambs are and that he is the one guiding our school and will give us what we need and show us what we need to teach and how to do it.


Blessings each day said...

Gosh, you make me wish I was there...what beautiful experiences you are creating for your children, Toni! You are surely a blessing!

blessings and happy hugs,


Beverly said...

Me too, wish we were there. Sounds like a great book! I love when I get the good feeling, that it is the right thing ( homeschooling). You do a great job at it! said...

i heard that was a good book. now i'll make sure to find it. thanks!

Madeline said...

That last paragraph so nicely sums up what homeschooling is about. I love that y'all read together as a family.