Friday, April 3, 2009

favorite things friday April 3 ,2009

I just love mourning doves, they are so funny wobbling around and seem to be in no hurry to go anywhere. We always seem to have them everywhere this time of year nesting and sitting, and eating. But what I find the most wonderful about them, is on a rainy day- like today- when your outside and you hear the soft cooing sound they make, theres just something so peace filled about that sound, the simple song .It brings to mind the peace and comfort of the Heavenly Father ever so softly there with us.

saw a rainbow coming home from the nature center today, it ws drizzling but sunny and my oldest said maybe there will be a rainbow and there it was. I love them, to me they are a reminder of a promise from our heavenly father, that he shall not forsake us.And to me its that in every storm theres a blessing, theres always Jesus with us offering his light an love.


Lois Christensen said...

We had one on our back porch the other day. I have never seen one out here before and was amazed by it. Love the rainbow!!

Lois Christensen said...

Oh, I would have loved to catch a picture of the bird on my back porch, but my camera is still not working after I washed it in the washing machine!!

Beverly said...

Rainbow is so pretty!