Friday, March 13, 2009

Roots And Shoots project this month is

our homeschool group has a Roots And Shoots Group- it is a part of the Jane Goodall foundation- and it focuss on , animal,human and enviromental projets. This session we doing the human needs aspect. This Monday we will be feeding 2oo folks at St.Ritas in Dundalk, a local church and soup kitchen with a great ned for help, they get no federal/local funding so it is all donations. Anyhow yesterday we met and made 200 placemats for the tables, we will meet in the morning on monday set the tables, and then come back that night and help serve. The church also makes lunches to give out for the families in need and has a food pantry so we are donating to that also.

The placemat making was a great project we did it assembly line style everyone had a job and it went really well. I hope this bright little mats willput smile son the folks faces.


Susan said...

What a great project--isn't strange how it is fun to be on an assembly line for a day? It is nice to get your rhythm down.

By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog. I grew up in MD--near Annapolis. I remember radio ads for the White Marsh mall! Are all the dogwoods in bloom? I miss them.

Beverly said...

looks like fun!

gina said...

I've just heard about Roots and Shoots this past week. Some local homeschoolers have been talking about starting a group... I'll have to look more into it! Kudos to you guys for what you are doing!

Barely Domestic Mama said...

Wow. That sounds like a great project. Looks like the kids had fun.

Lisa said...

I have always wanted to be in a Roots and Shoots program! Very neat.