Wednesday, October 22, 2008

pumpkin patch

Today was Madeline's 13th birthday:-) And we spent the morning/afternoon at Hubers picking pumpkins and going thorugh the corn maize, we do this every year on her birhtday ,visit a farm, it varies, and get our pumpkins and just enjoy the day. It ws a very brisk morning, and we bundled up good-) We found four very unique pumpkins fo rour yard, and we got a lot for pumpkin carving day on saturday at my moms. It was a fun time, the corn and milo mazes where fun, Grace and Adam found a huge dead garter snake- of course- he seemed to have found the wrong end of a tractor. But he was very interesting to look at. WE also found some baby eggplants and little green peppers int he fields. Adam brought home a couple ears of the dried up corn off the husks to feed the sguirrels and to keep some seeds to try and plant in the spring ourselves.
This is one family traditon I hope we always do no matter how old the kids get, I can see us taking our grandkids to the patch ot get pumpkins and work our way through a maize and just having a fun time togehter.

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