Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blessed Asurance

I have fallen behind on our learning of hymns and verses, it is something we really enjoy. I love all the older hymns.So this week we are doing Blessed Assurance, we sang this at a praise service last night and it is sticking in my head. So I am guessing this is what the Lord would have us learn this week. To praise Him All the Day Long. Through trials, and triumphs, he is with us always and knows the plans he has for us and he is leading us onward.

God Bless to all have a blessed day, praising your savior all the day long:-)


Madeline said...

I like the idea of learning hymns as well as verses. They can both be such comforts.

Lois Christensen said...

Okay, you read my mind! I wrote about my love of the older songs today on my blog as well. Love this one! Have been singing it for years and it still moves me every time!!!

Beverly said...

wonderful! thanks, happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful phrase. said...

wonderful reminder :-)