Thursday, December 10, 2009

making sugar cookies

We made our first batch of Christmas cookies, they are the store bought sugar cookie dough rolls we sliced them added sprinkles and baked them so warm an yummy and they are done fast .The kids love love love helping in the kitchen and we have alot no bake candies and things to make over the week to come, and things that get baked to for the older girls to help with.They are also going to spend an afternoon with their cousin baking, so lots of yummy fun.

more fun holiday projects to come. but cookie baking is always our favorite thing to do, actually it may be the eating thats the favorite thing to do:-)


Madeline said...

Yum! Levi and I made sugar cookies with the intention of giving them away, but instead we ate them...all of them. Sigh. I suppose we'll have to try again.

Beverly said...

I need to get moving and get some cookies made. Noah loves to help out. these look great!