sorry I have not been blogging much lately but we are all down with swime flu, lucky us. Its funny I have been fanatic about lysoling everything , staying out of crowds, handwashing etc. so here we ae sick anyhow. We went to a local theater on thursday for a native american show and it was filled to the brim with shools and I just know one of those kids was a typhoid-mary. And shared with us. funny though Shawn and I have it the worst, Adam and Madeline not so much.So we are living on tylenol, motrin , and soft drinks and grahm crackers, -yummy;-)
So I will be back on in a few days, and please ladies if you wouldn't mind praying for us. Especially Shawn who is getting hammered by it- he is 2, and his fever has been up and down he is cool today so thats good. but its scary to see them so ill.
Hope all of you stay well.